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Fit & Famous - Photoset to Purchase Separately with a Current Membership

Fit Young Men: Model James Moore - From Ex on the Beach James Moore Naked The Much Talked about Muscle Really is Big!

James Moore

James Moore - From Ex on the Beach James Moore Naked The Much Talked about Muscle Really is Big!
Published 28 Dec 2016
Published 28 Dec 2016
Existing members, log in to purchase. Existing members, log in to purchase. Previous members, please rejoin to buy this set for $47.31 with access until your membership expires or for at least 30 days. To buy James's photos you need a current FYM membership & at least 1 previous membership of FYM or Englishlads.com that's completed 31 days. The photo sizes available to you are the same as your FYM membership.

James appeared on the fourth series of Ex on the Beach and was the typical bad lad always trying to bed the girls and seemed to get a bit of a reputation for not being able to perform. There were no issues in his shoot; in Ex on the Beach there was much talk about his large cock, though of course it wasn’t shown on TV, yet his shoot with us you can enjoy his uncut beauty in all its glory. James got naked and up it went and there is stayed, he is well hung, at least 8 inches and it’s thick and he loves showing it off in the shoot. I think we have found a lad who is just crying out to be a porn star; maybe we can help him take some small steps into the industry! There is also a surprise ending to the shoot! 437 photographs.