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Fit & Famous - Photoset to Purchase Separately with a Current Membership

Fit Young Men: Model Brandon Myers - From Ex on the Beach & ITV2 Bromans to F&F - Brandon Myers Naked 9.5 Inches of Uncut Beauty!

Brandon Myers

Brandon Myers - From Ex on the Beach & ITV2 Bromans to F&F - Brandon Myers Naked 9.5 Inches of Uncut Beauty!
Published 8 Oct 2016
Published 8 Oct 2016
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Brandon may have risen to fame on the small screen this year after appearing in MTV’s Ex on the Beach, but there’s certainly nothing small about the blue-eyed boy! The former professional footballer from Berkshire, is in no way shy about showing off his biggest talent, or “donkey dick” as fans have branded it, which explains why ladies and men have been falling at his feet ever since he appeared on the hit reality TV show. Everyone was talking about it on Ex on the Beach. Its nine and a half inches, and it’s a bit like having a tripod, or a third leg. I’m quite confident, so I was happy to whip it out on the show and tell the other boys, ‘hey, I’ve got a bigger dick than you. There’s no shame in being naked, is there? Joking about his meaty package, Brandon laughs that he “inherited it from Africa,” and says that pulling it out of his pants is his party trick, admitting: “If you’ve got it - you’ve got to flaunt it. No one would guess otherwise!” But you’ll be pleased to hear there’s no teasing in our racy photo shoot, which sees Brandon show off his jaw-dropping uncut cock at full mast!
518 photographs.