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Fit Young Men: Model Sam Smith - Young Model Sam Smith is Back to show off his Impressive Muscles

Sam Smith

Sam Smith - Young Model Sam Smith is Back to show off his Impressive Muscles
Published 10 Mar 2018
Personal Trainer
Published 10 Mar 2018
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I first met Sam when he was just eighteen back in 2010 and this shoot was taken when he was twenty four. He has done his time as a fashion model and for the last two years has been in the army and you can see his body has bulked up as he has tried to put on some size. He is still the same Sam, very confident and that naturally flirtatious personality has become even more playful! He brought along one of his army mates who knew everything, but he wasn’t so keen to get off his kit! At 26 he is now a proud Dad to a son, fingers crossed in 2030 we see Sam Junior! 384 photographs.