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Showcasing Naturally Athletic Young Men
1051 models
485,303 photos
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Guest Photographers - Photoset to Purchase Separately with a Current Membership

Fit Young Men: Model Mario - Young Athletic Lad Mario Shows off his Toned Physique in the Hotel & Out in the Sunshine

Mario - by Klinikle Photography

Mario - Young Athletic Lad Mario Shows off his Toned Physique in the Hotel & Out in the Sunshine
Published 9 Aug 2019
Published 9 Aug 2019
Existing members, log in to purchase. Existing members, log in to purchase. Previous members, please rejoin to buy this set for $10.81 with access until your membership expires or for at least 30 days. To buy Mario's photos you need a current FYM membership & at least 1 previous membership of FYM or Englishlads.com that's completed 31 days. The photo sizes available to you are the same as your FYM membership.

Mario had to travel to the coast for a business meeting so it was time to fire up the Bentley. We stopped along the way to get some photos to show his family back home that he was doing well for himself. The meeting was as dull as expected, but thankfully, it was short. This allowed us time to go down to the beach. The sand and tide were amazing, but the weather was not. The rain had kept most people away and the wind was making us think twice about staying longer. Mario being Mario, there was time to pose for a few photos before we went in search of food and headed back to the hotel.

The lighting in the room in the morning lent itself very nicely to some more shots, and as Mario did some research on his laptop and relaxed before the long drive back, I took the opportunity to get my camera out. We stopped of pretty randomly on the way home as the weather had improved dramatically. At one of our stops, we came across an abandoned miniature railway, which was right up my street location wise, so the camera came out again. In the warm sun and with the camera pointing, Mario found it difficult to keep his clothes on. There'll be other shoots! There is just a little frontal nudity in this set.
144 photographs.