updated Sundays
1048 models
483,565 photos
Showcasing Naturally Athletic Young Men
1048 models
483,565 photos
updated Sundays
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Freddy Kendle - Photoshoot Bonus Video - Handsome Young Tennis Player Shows off his Slim & Toned Body
Published 8 Jan 2023
Tennis Player
Published 8 Jan 2023
This video is free for memberships that have completed 90 days, or log in to purchase. Previous members, please rejoin to buy this video for $20.27 with access until your membership expires or for at least 30 days. To buy Freddy's video you need a current FYM membership & at least 1 previous membership of FYM or Englishlads.com that's completed 31 days.

This week we filmed the live photoshoot of our young and handsome model, Freddy Kendle, as he enjoys having his picture taken in and out of his clothes!
Freddy Kendle returns this week as he continues his journey with us and pushes his boundaries even further! Freddy is in amazing shape, with ripped abs and a slender body! Freddy strips out of his daily clothes and flexes his muscles, showing off his amazing definition, his obliques are looking well sculpted as he poses on the ground.